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Meet the Uncrowders: Bogdan Yumanov

Emily TargettGrowth Marketing Manager3 Nov 2023

Bogdan Yumanov has been a fullstack developer at Uncrowd for just over a year, helping the team add tons of functionality and features to our innovative platform. We talked to Bogdan about what attracted him about Uncrowd's tech solution and its company culture!

Meet the Uncrowders: Bogdan Yumanov

Best musician on earth

Jahna Sebastian

Favourite holiday location

Antalya, Turkey

Hot or cold weather?


What do you do outside work?

Rapping and acting.

What's your role at Uncrowd?

I was hired to be a geeky guy sprinkled with a sense of humour, sit in my chair all day long and eat crisps. Some people call that a Fullstack Developer, but you can just call me "Developer".

Sum up Uncrowd in 3 words

Freedom, Creativity, Jokes.

What attracted you to Uncrowd?

I got the warm, family-like start-up vibe the very second I walked through the office door for my job interview. Two Santa-Claus-looking men (my future bosses) have offered me soft drinks, at which point I felt at home.

Uncrowd has an office that feels more like a friend's house; you can trot in, eat all the tuna + beans you will find on the shelves (after doing some work, of course).

What are the biggest challenges that our customers face and how does the Uncrowd platform resolve these?

I use the metaphor "one gram of arsenic in a 10 kilogram wedding cake". I believe that perfectly describes the problem we as a company help eliminate.

The current (unfortunately conventional) ways of CX analytics rely on customer surveys that introduce bias into the data. Even a small amount of bias poisons the whole data set, which leads to inaccuracy and unnecessary financial losses.

We offer a solution to get rid of that - or minimise it as much as possible.

What's the culture like at Uncrowd?

There is a strong sense of friendly banter present in the office and at every video meeting. You will very quickly learn that that is one of the things that makes Uncrowd so unique. We do things that have never been done before - it can sometimes be fairly stressful, and so jokes and self-irony naturally help us tackle that.

What gets you excited about Uncrowd's future?

Our uniqueness, which I truly believe will allow us to take the best spot under the sun sooner rather than later.