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Meet the Uncrowders: Marissa Basher

Emily TargettGrowth Marketing Manager19 Oct 2023

Marissa Basher recently joined our team as Customer Success Manager, helping our clients squeeze the best out of Uncrowd’s innovative experience analytics platform. We talked to Marissa about what attracted her to Uncrowd, her best bits so far, and what she’s looking forward to in the future. Welcome Marissa!

Marissa Basher

Favourite album?

Phil Collins: No Jacket Required –it was the soundtrack to my childhood

Best read?

Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts

Best plate of food you’ve ever had?

My mum’s lasagne always…followed closely by a fresh fish feast at Hooked, Nurai island…amazing.

Random fact about you:

I appeared as a dancing Santa on the London Eye in the film Nativity 3.

What’s your role at Uncrowd?

As part of the Growth team, I manage Customer Success, with the main objective to ensure customers achieve their goals. The key is building strong, collaborative relationships, listening to and understanding their business challenges and targets, and utilising the Uncrowd platform to deliver the utmost in unique CX insight.

Sum up the Uncrowd platform in three words

Intuitive, adaptive, revolutionary

What attracted you to Uncrowd?

The fact that we are doing something that no one else is. I come from a long retail background and shared the frustrations of the lacklustre traditional metrics used to measure CX. When I heard about Uncrowd, I was excited from the get-go to see a company delivering customer analytics with context, and wanted in.

I also love that as a start-up, currently at such an exciting point in the journey, no day is the same. I am exposed to all aspects, and my role makes such a significance difference in the growth of the company.

Top experience at Uncrowd so far

In my second week at Uncrowd I travelled out to the US with some of the team, met with customers and worked towards the success of their accounts. Thrown in the deep end springs to mind…in reality, I loved it. The experience was invaluable to my onboarding and seeing and hearing the amazing response to the platform and insights we can deliver, was incredibly motivating.

What’s the culture like at Uncrowd?

Creatively chaotic, collaborative and supportive, individually talented and collectively, a brilliantly inspiring bunch.

What gets you excited about Uncrowd’s future?

The potential that the methodology has, to completely change the customer analytics space. The platform is improving constantly, even in the short time I’ve been with the company and I can’t wait to see how far we can take it and to be part of the revolution.

Uncrowd is on a mission to improve every customer experience on the planet through a unique combination of CX observation, quantitative measurement and comparative results. Our data is objective, empirical, and always shows your next best action.